
Fresh Bottle Fridays

We have a tradition in our small-one-bedroom-apartment-household and it is this tradition that has caused the "wine guy" at our local liquor store to start calling me by name. The tradition is "Fresh Bottle Friday." Every Friday, after a long hard work week, my boyfriend and I both take separate trips to the liquor store and select either a bottle of wine, 6 pack of beer, or other type of alcoholic beverage to bring home for the weekend (which usually only lasts us through the night, at which point we make another trip to the liquor store together on Saturday). It is this tradition that has also inspired the "cheap wine" title of this blog. And cheap wine is what we have come to love. Not because cheap wine tastes better than expensive wine, but because we are poor post grads and cheap wine in funky bottles looks better on our wine rack.

So for my very first "Fresh Bottle Fridays" post, I am featuring, The Dreaming Tree, Crush.

“For Crush, Dave and I hand-selected a special blend of our favorite varieties to create a red wine that pulls you in with notes of smoky berry and a pop of raspberry jam. Around the dinner table or out on the patio, it’s a wine you’re going to want to share with your favorite people.”
 –Steve Reeder on his Dave Matthews wine collaboration

The Dreaming Tree wines are comprised of the passions of both Dave Matthews (of The Dave Matthews Band) and Steve Reeder. You can see the story behind the wines by visiting their website, http://www.dreamingtreewines.com/. I first heard of The Dreaming Tree wines when a friend of mine from Indiana (and the biggest Dave fan I know...by far) mentioned it on Facebook and was unable to find it anywhere. This is when I became friends with the wine guy (whose name is Doug) and asked if he would order me a bottle. When he said he could, I was elated. He then asked what bottle I would like - as there is a Chardonnay, Cabernet, and Crush - I immediately knew I would be ordering the Crush. Not because the name Crush made me want to go home and "crush" the bottle after a long work week, but because the DMB song "Crush" has always had a special place in my musical heart. And now I am counting down the minutes until the boyfriend walks in the door so we can uncork this (as I'm sure it will be) masterpiece. 

And for your listening pleasure..


  1. So glad I found this Marc! But your followers want more! ;)

  2. My husband and I tend to drink a lot of different cheap wines too. Or I do anyway, he's more of a beer person.
