Happy Monday, Everyone.....maybe it's not happy because..well..it's Monday...so perhaps..."Happy-one-day-closer-to-this-weekend-Day!" Yes, that's better.
Here is my first {Outfit of the Day} post as requested by my good friend Katie. Today's outfit isn't that exciting....because its Monday...and because I'm still recovering from the weekend..."damn you vodka tonics! damn you!"
I love scarves. All scarves...big ones, little ones, fat ones, thin ones.....if I think my outfit is boring I put on a scarf. In the middle of summer, I wear scarves. Scarf with my bathing suit...sure! wait.....no. I have a ton of scarves. An entire bin full actually....I even have Ed Hardy scarves.....that's embarrassing...I need to get rid of those.
The Breakdown: Manic Monday
Ralph Lauren Polo Button down
Citizens Denim
Frye Boots