7 hours in a packed Lexus SUV seems like a small price to pay for a fun filled weekend in Balitmore.
This weekend we are attending the 137th Annual Preakness. For those of you who are thinking "the whatness?!" Preakness is part of the coveted Triple Crown. The Kentucky Derby of the East Coast....well...it more like the Kentucky Derby's ugly cousin.
Will there be big hats? Yes. Celebrities? Yes. Dignified ladies and gentlemen? I'm sure there will be...but not where we are going.
The Infield. Where you go to get your Preak on. If you've ever gone to the Indy 500 and sat in the infield then you understand the situation we are about to put ourselves in. Booze, sun, and more booze.
I'm expecting to see some pretty amazing ensembles. And I'll do my best to document these for you all. But after a few trips to the Mug Club tents, I make no promises.
Happy Preakend!!