Deciding how much to contribute to your 401K......grown up problems.
Deciding to continue renting or buying property.......grown up problems.
Deciding to stick with a job you're comfortable with or following your passion.....GROWN UP PROBLEMS!
In this world of uncertainty how are us twenty-somethings supposed to make decisions like this? And when is it no longer appropriate to go crying to Mommy? Or your boyfriend? Or your friends? At some point we have to stand on our own two feet and make decisions based on what WE feel and not what everyone else thinks is right. But what if you don't know how you feel and you're uncertain?
That's where I am at right now. I've got Grown Up Problems. And trying to figure out what I want to do in life is tough! When I was younger I had it all figured out...
I wanted to be involved in fashion. Plain and simple. I wanted to go to school, graduate, move to New York, make a million dollars and live this fabulous life full of designer handbags and beautiful shoes. Is that too much for a girl to ask? But then...SMACK! right in the face- life isn't that simple!
Life forces you to make decisions. And there are a lot of factors to consider when you are making those decisions. Finances...happiness...benefits...retirement...all of these, plus a countless list of others, are so important to consider when making decisions/changes to your life/career.
So here is my question to all of you.....if you had to choose, would you choose a job that was stable? or would you choose a job in a field that you loved, but presented more risk?