Upon the arrival of my 25th birthday I have come to the realization that many things have changed in my life in recent years. Graduating from college, moving away from home, moving in with the boyfriend, and starting a career. All of which seem perfectly acceptable for someone my age. It wasn't until I came home from work recently, complaining about my new found position in the software industry, when my boyfriend asked me the question of all questions......no ladies, not "will you marry me?" but a more profound, hits you right in the gut, kind of question..."So what exactly do you want your career to be?" My blank stare and loss for words sent me into an almost immediate hysteria. Call it what you will but I like to call it a "Quarter Life Crisis." Mildly dramatic? Yes. Somewhat accurate? Yes. A feeling of being completely lost in this large unpredictable world in which we live? Yes. & trying to hard to navigate.
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