

I miss homework. Is that wrong of me to say? I don't believe I miss being graded on my work, but I miss the responsibility of having to complete something. I miss that feeling of accomplishment when I could look at an assignment and know I kicked it's ass.

In order to fulfill this assignment-completing-void in my life, I'm giving myself homework. If you read my earlier post about budgeting, you already know that I need to get my finances together. So I've found a few worksheets online that I am hoping will help me to focus on my finances and give me the ability to lay it all out in front of me and determine where I can cut some costs. This should be exciting!....and scary....

Check out www.budgetworksheets.org (original, I know..)

If you like to work your finances online, you can also check out www.mint.com. I plan to spend more time on this as my good friend recommended it and it's also recommended by CNN Money.

Funny Workplace Ecard: I'd be happy to teach you how to live on a shitty salary.

Ooohhhh a feature!

I'm being featured on www.katherinehschneider.com today! Check out Kathy's blog to learn 5 fun things about me...and do some browsing on her blog while you're there too. Kathy has a great sense of humor and I love that she totally embraces her nerdy personality. 

Thank you, Kathy for the feature! I'm anxious to see if I gain a few more followers....because if I don't, I'll probably stop blogging....I'm kidding, but seriously....