
A lot of news...

Here I am again. After quite a lengthy hiatus....but for good reason. I have a lot of news...

First News: A new look for High Fashion & Cheap Wine. I was feeling very disconnected from my last design and thought a fresh new look would be just the ticket. This design will work (for now) but I would like to get something more custom in the future. If anyone has suggestions on who to work with for custom blogs, please leave a comment! Because I find myself not utilizing my blog as much as I'd like, due to some changes in my life (read on), I do not want to spend a lot of money (at this point). So any *up and coming* designers or very inexpensive known designers are appreciated. 

News: The last time I posted anything, I was sitting on the balcony of my Massachusetts apartment, enjoying a glass of wine, and making a to-do list for some big changes that were coming our way. The first on that list: Packing. Packing because the bf and I were making a move from Massachusetts to New Hampshire....because I accepted a new job....in a new industry...with no office to visit on a daily basis....with a company who encourages their employees and was voted one of the best companies to work for by CNN. Quite exciting, I know!

As you would expect...this was all very stressful! Not only did we have to make a quick move, but we had a terrible time finding an apartment. Maybe because we were being picky, but just when we thought "this is the one!" we would get a call saying that they had selected someone else. Frustrating. We kept saying to each other "why doesn't anyone want us?! we are great tenants, always pay on time, mind our own business, etc" but we were disappointed time and time again. And let me tell ya, it's hard to move somewhere when you haven't got a place to move!

Now, because we have lived in several different apartment complexes before, we said...lets start fresh and move into an owner occupied home. This is where the frustration came into play. In the past, WE had always selected where to live. We would just say, yes we will take it, sign some papers and move in the furniture. This whole owner occupied search is QUITE different....THEY decide if they want you...you do not get to decide. You have no control....and we like to have control. Anyway, after a long search and subtle begging, we have a beautiful second floor apartment in an old Victorian home with the nicest landlords...oh! and a fenced in yard for my favorite pup. So it all worked out in the end.

With the move done, it was time to start my new job. My new job is in the craft beer industry and is very different from my previous jobs working with designer apparel and taking orders from a busy CEO. When I accepted this job, the only thing I knew about this particular craft beer was that I really enjoyed drinking it. And as we all know, it is much easier to sell a product if you love it right? So I suppose I was on the right track. 

Between the new job, the move, trying to furnish and decorate our new home, and figuring out now to manage my time, High Fashion & Cheap Wine has been pushed aside. I know what you're thinking...excuses, excuses. But seriously...I'm trying! 

Stay tuned for more posts if i find the time, and thanks for coming back to check in! Don't forget to leave comments about custom designs or anything really. 

**have fun**    **drink responsibly**   **look stylish**