2012....some say that this is the year that will end it all. The year the World will explode into a million pieces and we will all float out into the universe as tiny dust particles! Well not this girl! For me, 2012 is a year of new beginnings. A year of goals being reached, happiness taking a front seat in life, and decisions, while still being tough, will come easier as I grow wiser in my years (I hope). This is the year I do things for me!
Now, before we move forward, we should get a few things straight. At the beginning of each new year, everyone makes "New Year Resolutions." And I will be the first to say that I have fallen victim to this almost every year since I was old enough to decide there were things I would/should change about my life. But this year, I did not make "resolutions." This year, I set goals. Goals that are attainable. Goals that take me one step closer to an end result. I've made the decision to not just be interested in these goals but to be committed to them. And you may be asking yourself, where does this motivation come from? Where does she get this kind of view on life? Or you may be saying, this girl is full of crap and I'm done reading her blog....that's understandable. I would probably be thinking the same thing if I was reading this six months ago.
So where have I found my motivation? To start, I have a wonderful foundation of friends and family who are supporting me in my new goals. I have a loving boyfriend who realizes that he needs to be my biggest cheerleader. Oh, and I've been reading a book called "Monday Morning Choices" by David Cottrell. Now, I am not a big "reading for leisure" kind of person. That is, unless the book is written by Chelsea Handler, in which case I am hysterically laughing aloud while getting crazy looks from people at the airport....we've all been there. Back to the topic...goals. If you are struggling to set goals, or you think you have set them, but you're having a hard time getting started, I suggest reading "Monday Morning Choices." I picked this book off of our bookshelf about a week ago, and I must say, as cliche as this may sound, I have a new outlook on life. It's an easy read and the things it teaches you are so simple that you think to yourself "this is so simple and makes so much sense...why didn't I look at it like that?"

Now, if you are a 20 something, like myself, and you've found that your time after graduation from college has been one big, misguided blur...then I invite you to stop being interested in something, and start being committed.(read the book..it will make more sense.)
So what is my first goal that I am committed to complete in 2012? My first half marathon! I will be running the Half at the Hamptons, in Hamptons Beach, NH on February 19, 2012. Wish me luck!