Every Sunday we make a menu for the week. It makes grocery shopping so easy.
And most weeks we have basically the same meals (sometimes we could use some help in the food imagination area). It's a rotation of chicken breasts, something with ground turkey, something with pasta (usually with pesto), and perhaps a steak.
So last night we had steak. We prepared it as we usually do. We put it in Stubbs Beef Marinade the night before, seared it on both sides for 1 minute each, then put it in a 500 degree oven for 3 minutes on each side. The boyfriend prefers his steak to still be "moo'ing" while I prefer mine medium rare, so mine typically goes back in the oven for another minute or two.
But last night something was......funky. Something wasn't right about this steak. Now, we knew that we hadn't purchased the best cut as we had originally planned to make steak salad (a norm for us) and did not want to waste a great {savor the flavor} cut by covering it in salad dressing. So we weren't expecting much out of our choice in beef - or better yet our "not so choice" beef by USDA standards.
This was bad steak. Like "the grocery store never should have sold this" steak. The taste was not right. It tasted rancid. The boyfriend, of course being the meat eater that he is and having had a hard work out prior, did not notice this taste at first. I told him he was blinded by his need for protein. After a few more bites, he agreed. Something was definitely funky about this steak.
And wouldn't you know it....I woke up with terrible stomach cramps this morning. Like there were a thousand little gnomes punching me and squeezing my intestinal organs...too much? I'll stop there....you can imagine the rest...or don't....that's your choice.Let's just say, I've seen better a-morning.
Well tonight we are having venison. Yep....venison. From a deer that the boyfriends brother killed. I'm nervous....but I hope I like it because we have a WHOLE FREEZER FULL OF IT! Thanks for that Corey!{p.s. I know you're reading this}
So everyone, wish me luck with tonight's -out of the box- dinner. Venison Spaghetti.

And if anyone knows any good venison recipes, please send them my way! I have venison steaks, venison chops, venison sausage....the list goes on.
Update: I wrote this post a few days ago and forgot to post. {whoops} we still haven't had the Venison. The boyfriend ate dinner without me that night, and I chickened out on eating the venison...thus resulting in a 3 day Chinese food binge. Not my proudest of food choices this weekend.