It has been quite some time since my last post. (doesn't that sound like a confession?) I was experiencing a tremendous lack of inspiration for my blog due to my tremendous lack of free time in the recent months. And I have told myself a million times that I would "get back at it" but I have failed time and time again.
BUT NO LONGER! Now that the sun does not set at 4pm as it has been, it seems that there is more time in the day {sometimes} and I have more time to focus on the more important things in blogging.
So stay tuned for new things, and more regular posts! I've got a few things up my sleeve and I hope you all will like them. i.e. pinterst projects, fashion inspirations and outfits for less, and home improvement/decorating ideas. Looking forward to great things ahead!
oh and this isn't an April fools joke. I really am coming back.
So stay tuned for new things, and more regular posts! I've got a few things up my sleeve and I hope you all will like them. i.e. pinterst projects, fashion inspirations and outfits for less, and home improvement/decorating ideas. Looking forward to great things ahead!
oh and this isn't an April fools joke. I really am coming back.